- Android Studio
- Java version > 8
Steps to follow:
- Launch Android Studio.
- Click Build, then Generate Signed apk
- Tick ‘APK’ and not ‘Android App Bundle’
- Follow the steps. If you do not have a signing key, it is highly recommended to create one.
How to launch the unit tests
./gradlew tests
If all tests are failing, please ensure the java version is above 8.
If a newer java version is installed in a custom location, export JAVA_HOME
export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/newer/java
and relaunch the tests.
How to (re)compile the javadoc:
javadoc -protected -splitindex -d /home/luca/work/test_doc $(find app/src/main/java/com/lubenard/digital_wellbeing/ -name '*.java' -print) -bootclasspath /home/luca/Programmes/Android/Sdk/platforms/android-29/android.jar -Xdoclint:none